Measuring for a Viola
Measuring what size viola you need is straight forward. If you have not been advised on the size you need, then this short guide should help you out.
The actual size between the instruments isn’t much to look at, they only change by 1/2 an inch in the larger sizes and 1 inch in the smaller, but these small size differences can make a big difference to the player.
Playing on the wrong size instrument could force the player to have to stretch too far if the instrument is too large or be cramped if the instrument is too small. Either way, it’s going to make learning to play much harder!
If you are an adult/child learning to play, follow these simple measurements.
If you are still unsure after using this guide, please contact us. We are always happy to help.
Just under the next size up?
If you find your child is just under being the next size up, it is tempting to go for the large instrument. Really, they should start with the smaller size and only move to the larger size when they are 100% ready. Playing an instrument even slightly to large may inhibit progress.
If the teacher suggests a different size please let us know and we’ll arrange to change sizes.
Viola Size Arm Length Age (Guide Only)
12” Viola Up to 50.8cm or 20″ 6 to 7 Years Old
13” Viola Up to 55.9cm or 22″ 7 to 9 Years Old
14” Viola Up to 58cm or 23″ 9 to 12 Years Old
15” Viola Up to 62.2cm or 24.5″ 10 to 12 Years Old
15.5” Viola Up to 64cm or 25.25″ Average Adult
16” Viola Up to 66cm or 26″ Larger Adult
16.5″ Viola Up to 66cm or 26″ Larger Adult (preference)
Measuring Arm Length
How To Measure
Have the player extend their left arm completely straight (but not overextended) with no bend in the elbow or wrists.
Measurement 1 (neck to wrist) This indicates the most appropriate and comfortable size for the player.
Measurement 2 (neck to palm) This indicates the largest size the player could use.
Other Methods Of Measuring
If you already have a viola you can easily measure and check the size.
If the viola is put in the playing position, then the viola scroll should sit in the middle of the palm of the left hand and the fingers be able to curl around the scroll. The elbow and shoulder should not be stretching or extending to enable the fingers to curl around the scroll.
Scroll/Palm Measurement
Unlike violins or cellos, full size violas can come in a variety of sizes anywhere from a 15” body length to an 18” body length. Just because you may be tall does not necessarily mean a larger viola is for you. And just because you may be a bit short does not necessarily mean a small viola is for you. The current trend for adult size violas today is more towards a smaller size. Even though larger violas give a fatter and generally bigger sound, these large instruments are not easy to play and might cause physical problems with a player. It is good and proper to try different size violas to determine what works best for you. If you need help with trying sizes of violas or have questions concerning sizing of violin, violas or cellos, please feel free to contact us. We are always ready to help!
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